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Verified Volunteering

The novelty of our system surpasses the basic functionality of connecting volunteers with organizations. We pride ourselves on being the only system on the web that actually verifies volunteering.


When a student signs up as a verified user, every opportunity he or she attends, and every hour of volunteer or work that he or she completes, is confirmed through our system by the organization. Through the use of this functionality, our goal is to eliminate a phenomenon that has unfortunately proliferated itself throughout university and employment applications, fraudulent volunteering. With Vome, people are unable to claim fake volunteering data because hours are logged and confirmed by the non-profits. Community work should be the very essence of altruism. Let’s not let it get tainted by untruthful community service.

People find value in our verified service be cause we log the entirety of their volunteering data on their profiles. When a person applies for a job, their Vome profile becomes a testament to their community work. And, in addition to data tracking, we offer our verified volunteers with a Vome transcript feature to make their volunteering data presentable and marketable.